Know More About The Constitution

We, the founders of the Association,
Conscious of our common heritage as Ugandans;
Addressing ourselves to the need for the creation of a framework for cooperation & mutual assistance;
Resolve to establish an Association of Ugandans in Botswana (AUB) to achieve the promotion of cooperation and mutual assistance for all Ugandans in Botswana.

1. An Association is hereby established for the promotion of cooperation and mutual assistance among Ugandans in Botswana.
2. The name of the body shall be the Association of Ugandans in Botswana (AUB).
3. The body shall be non-political.
4. The registered office of the Association shall be at Plot No. 3300 or such other place in Gaborone, Botswana, as shall whenever is necessary or from time to time, be communicated to the Membership of the Association and the Registrar of Societies.

The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:
a) “Association” shall mean the Association of Ugandans in Botswana;
b) “Executive Committee”” shall mean the governing body of the Association appointed in terms of this Constitution;
c) “Member” shall mean fully paid up member in accordance with this Constitution.
d) “Child” and “Dependant” shall mean those persons under the age of 21 years who are dependent on a member and who are resident in Botswana;
e) “Youth” shall mean any person of the age between 12 and 21 years who has agreed to become a member or whose parents are members of the Association as per this Constitution;
f) “Newsletter” shall mean a periodic AUB publication.

1. The Association shall have the following aims and objectives:
a) To act in solidarity with all Ugandans in Botswana and to give every possible support and assistance to all members;
b) To facilitate the provision of relief and maintenance to members and their dependants especially during sickness, bereavement and other distressing circumstances, subject to the availability of resources;
c) To facilitate a group insurance policy to be paid on the death of a member to her/his dependants; and
d) To facilitate consular services and provide such assistance to members.

2. To these ends, the Association shall:
a) Promote information dissemination and, in particular, publish and widely distribute materials of interest to members including periodicals;
b) Hold meetings;
c) Coordinate efforts to provide Uganda cultural education and exposure to children;
d) Initiate and intensify fund raising ventures;
e) Cooperate with other appropriate organizations approved by the Executive
Committee; and
f) Make donations to any worthy cause approved by the Executive Committee
subject to the availability of resources.

1. Full membership of the Association shall be open to all persons of age not less than twenty-one years and legally resident in Botswana upon payment of an annual membership fee.
2. Associate membership shall be open to all persons below the age of 21 years or who are over 21 years but are attending a full time course at a recognized institution of learning and legally resident in Botswana upon payment of an annual fee equivalent
to 30% of the membership fee.
2.1 Associate members shall neither acquire any rights nor any property of the Association; nor shall they incur any liabilities in the event of the winding up of the Association or otherwise.
2.2 Associate members shall be entitled to attend all general meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote, nor to nominate candidates for election; and shall not be eligible for election to the Executive Committee.
2.3 The Association shall determine the privileges of Associate members.Honorary membership shall be conferred to deserving persons upon recommendation of the Executive Committee subject to approval by one-third of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.

3. Honorary membership shall be conferred to deserving persons upon recommendation of the Executive Committee subject to approval by one-third of the members present at the Annual General Meeting.
4. Membership shall cease upon death, resignation, and expulsion in terms of this Constitution, expiry of residence status or non-payment of membership fee.
5. Each member pledges to observe the aims and objectives enumerated in Article 3 of this Constitution.

1. Disciplinary procedures shall be initiated against any member who:
a) fails to observe the aims and objectives of the Association;
b) acts in a manner that does not uphold morality;
c) deliberately destroys the property of the Association;
d) does not attend the Annual General Meetings without valid reasons; or
e) contravenes the Laws of Botswana in terms of committing a criminal offence

2. The disciplinary measures shall include a verbal reprimand, written warning, and expulsion.

3. A verbal reprimand shall be issued by the President of the Association acting on the instructions of the Executive Committee to the offending member. The reprimand shall include a clear explanation as to why the disciplinary action is necessary and a warning that failure to correct or improve conduct will result in further, and possibly, more severe action.

4. If the offending member fails to correct or improve or change her/his behaviour despite the President’s reprimand, the President, acting upon the instructions of the Executive Committee, shall issue to such offending member a written warning. The warning shall state the reasons for such warning and shall make it clear to the member concerned that repeated violation of the aims and objectives of the Association may result in expulsion.

5. i. Where in the opinion of the Executive Committee a member has persistently violated the aims and objectives of the Association despite a reprimand and written warning, a disciplinary enquiry shall be convened. The enquiry shall be constituted by persons appointed by the Executive Committee.

All relevant facts and circumstances including the member’s previous disciplinary record shall be presented at the enquiry by the Secretary. The member concerned shall be entitled to make any representations on her/his behalf. All parties shall have the right to present their evidence and to call and/ or question witnesses.
ii. As soon as possible, but within three weeks of the disciplinary enquiry, the Executive Committee shall decide on appropriate disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion and shall communicate its decision to the member concerned.
iii. Should the concerned member be in serious disagreement with the findings of the enquiry or the decision of the Executive Committee, such a member may lodge an appeal at the Annual General Meeting.

The Association shall accomplish its purposes and principles through an organization
consisting of:
a) An Annual General Meeting as described in Article 7;
b) An Executive Committee as described in Article 8;
c) Regional Sub-Committees as described in Article 9;

  1. The Annual General Meeting (hereinafter referred to as “AGM”) shall consist of:
    1. The Executive Committee
    2. One third of the Membership
  2. Once a year during the month of October, the Executive Committee shall call the AGM to transact the following business:
    1. To hear and take account from the Executive Committee and the Subcommittees of the activities of the Association and Sub-Committees Respectively;
    2. To receive copies of the audited accounts of the Association
  3. During the second year AGM, the Executive Committee shall transact business as 2 i. and ii. above including the following:                              i. To appoint a Returning Officer who shall conduct the election proceedings;
    ii. To elect the Executive Committee consisting of office bearers as described in Article 8;
    iii. Elections of office bearers shall be by secret ballot and voting by proxy shall be submitted in writing. Voting on other issues shall be by show of hands unless the Annual General Meeting decides otherwise;
    iv. Every full member shall have one vote on all decisions which are made at the Annual General Meeting, provided that associate members shall not have a right to vote;
    v. Simple majority vote shall be sufficient for a resolution or motion to pass unless as otherwise provided in this Constitution. In the event of a tie vote the President shall defer the matter for further debate and if there is still a tie vote after such further debate, the President shall have a casting vote;
    vi. To endorse the nomination of members to the Sub-Committees
    vii. To appoint an Auditor; and
    viii. To appoint an Editor who shall head an Editorial Board charged with the
    responsibility of producing and distributing the Newsletter under the direction of the Executive Committee Secretary.
  4. Twenty-one days’ written notice of the AGM shall be given to members. The notice shall be posted to each member at her /his last known address.
  5. One-third of the total membership of the Association’s physical presence shall form a quorum at each AGM.
  6. Every member of the AGM shall have one vote. Motions shall be carried by a simple majority of those present, provided that on equal votes the motion shall be regarded as lost.
  7. The AGM shall be the supreme body of the Association and the body of last resort; it shall have the power by majority vote to resolve any problem, controversy or conflict within the Association.
  8. The venue of the AGM shall be Gaborone, unless prior arrangements have been made to go outside Gaborone.

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers elected at the Annual
General Meetings:
a) A President who shall preside at the AGM, Executive Committee, and other meetings where appropriate;
b) Two Vice Presidents, that is, Vice President North and Vice President South;
c) A Secretary who shall be the secretary to the Executive Committee and at the AGM;
d) A Vice Secretary who shall work under the direction of the Secretary;
e) A Treasurer who shall be responsible to the Executive Committee for the financial administration of the Association. To this end, the Treasurer shall cause to be kept proper books and records of the account of income, expenditure, assets, and liabilities of the Association; and
f) Chairperson of the Women’s Wing (South).
2. The Executive Committee shall:
a. Represent the Association at national level at all official functions where Ugandans are invited;
b. Coordinate all the activities of the Association; and
c. Determine the formation of Regional Sub-Committees.
3. At any meeting, if the President is absent, one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside. In the event of the absence of the President and both Vice Presidents, any member of the Executive Committee shall be elected to preside;
4. The period of office of the Executive Committee shall be three years for the President and two years for the rest of the other members subject to re-election for one more consecutive term. Provided that a retiring officer shall be eligible for re-election after a lapse of at least two years.
5. If for any reason the Executive Committee elections do not take place on the expiry of this period, the Executive Committee shall remain in office to ensure that the said elections are held, or until such elections are held, whichever takes place first.
6. All resolutions of the Executive Committee shall be determined by a simple majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
7. Two-thirds of the total membership of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee.

1. The following Sub-Committees shall constitute Regional Sub-Committees under the
guidance of the respective Vice President North and Vice President South:
i. Women’s Wing;
ii.Youth’s Wing
ill.Finance, Planning, Social and Cultural Development; and
1v.Advisory, Disciplinary and Welfare Support.;

2. The Sub-Committee Executive shall consist of the following officers:
a) A Chairperson who shall preside at the Sub-Committee Meetings, and any other meetings where appropriate;
b) A Vice Chairperson;
c) A Secretary who shall be the Secretary to the Sub-Committee Meetings, and any other meetings where appropriate; and
d) The Chairperson of the Sub-Committee shall be the accounting officer for the Sub-Committee.

3. The Tenure of office shall be two years subject to re-election for one more consecutive term. Provided that a retiring officer shall be eligible for re-election after a lapse of at least two years.
4. Regional Sub-Committees shall be semi-autonomous and shall promote the aims and objectives of the Association in their region.

1. The financial resources of the Association shall come from membership fees and associate membership fees and contribution from members, associate members, SubCommittees and any other legal sources.
2. Membership fees and associate membership fees shall be determined annually by the Annual General Meeting.
3. The financial resources of the Executive Committee shall come from contributions from Sub-Committees.
4. The audited accounts of the Association shall be reviewed annually by the Annual General Meeting.
5. All funds of the Association shall be deposited with a recognised financial institution under the Laws of Botswana.
6. All the accounts shall be operated by any two of: the Treasurer, the President, and the Secretary of the Executive Committee as the case may be.

1. A member shall have the right to move a vote of no confidence in respect of an elected member of the Executive Committee or Sub-Committee. Such a motion shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee Secretary. The Secretary shall place the motion on the agenda of the next AGM or Special AGM as the case may be, if the requirements for convening such a meeting have been satisfied. If the decision of the AGM or Special AGM results in the removal of an elected member the body concerned shall elect some other person to fill the vacancy. The person so elected in place of a person removed under this Article shall be treated as if she/he was elected on the day on which the person in whose place she/he is elected was elected.

2. Provided that if the President is the subject of the complaint, she/he shall excuse herself/himself and the proceedings shall be presided over by the Vice-President or some other person as shall be agreed upon by majority vote of those present at the relevant meeting.

3. Provided further that, if the Secretary fails to call the requested meeting within a period of twenty-one (21) days, any member can call such a meeting after obtaining signatures from a third of the respective members.

1. Any member of the Executive Committee, who wishes to resign her /his office, shall give one month’s notice to the President. If the member resigning is the President, she/ he shall inform the Secretary to call an Executive Committee meeting. Following this, the Secretary shall call an emergency General Meeting.

2. Before such resignation is accepted, the member resigning shall account for any assets and instruments of office of the Association in her/his possession, and give a full report.

3. If a member of the Executive Committee absconds or is not available to perform their duties, the Secretary shall call an emergency General Meeting to fill this position.

1. If at any Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting, any member of the Association who is present and entitled to vote at the meeting demands an adjournment of the meeting in order to postpone further discussion of any matter on the agenda or on account of time or upon any other grounds stated by her/him, the President shall put the demand to a vote of the meeting and if a majority to the members present and
entitled to vote at the meeting vote in favour of an adjournment, the President shall adjourn the meeting provided that adequate notice of the adjourned meeting shall be served on all the members entitled to attend such meeting.

1. All disputes arising within the Association shall be referred to the Executive Committee for arbitration.

1. Any member may propose an amendment to this Constitution by requisitioning the Executive Committee Secretary three months before the first day of October of the relevant year. The Executive Committee Secretary shall circulate the proposed amendment to all members of the Executive Committee. If the amendment is carried by the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee Secretary shall forward the motion for inclusion in the agenda for the Annual General Meeting. The Proposed amendment shall not take effect unless the following conditions are satisfied:

Association of Ugandans in Botswana - AUB - Constitution